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Scars are a natural part of the healing process following injury, surgery, or acne breakouts. While they often fade over time, some scars can become raised, discolored, or deeply indented, causing emotional distress and impacting self-confidence.

At Kaveri Karhade MD Dermatology, serving San Francisco and South Bay, CA, we understand the concerns associated with noticeable scars. Dr. Kaveri Karhade, a board-certified dermatologist, offers a range of advanced scar treatment options to minimize their appearance and restore confidence.


These are raised, often red or purple, scars that extend beyond the original injury site. Keloids can be itchy, painful, and emotionally distressing. Dr. Karhade offers various treatment options for keloids, including:

  • Intralesional injections: Corticosteroids are injected directly into the keloid to reduce inflammation and flatten the scar.
  • Cryotherapy: Liquid nitrogen is applied to the keloid to freeze and destroy scar tissue.
  • Laser treatment: Specific lasers can target and reduce the blood vessels that contribute to keloid growth.
  • Silicone gel sheeting: This topical treatment helps to hydrate and flatten the scar.
  • Surgical excision followed by steroid injections: In some cases, Dr. Karhade may recommend surgical removal of the keloid combined with steroid injections to prevent recurrence.

Acne Scars

Acne breakouts can leave behind a variety of scars, including pitted, ice-pick, and rolling scars. Dr. Karhade offers personalized treatment plans based on the type and severity of acne scars:

  • Microneedling: This minimally invasive treatment uses tiny needles to create controlled micro-injuries in the skin, stimulating collagen production and improving scar texture.
  • Dermal fillers: Injected fillers can lift and smooth out indented acne scars.
  • Laser resurfacing: Ablative lasers remove the top layer of skin, promoting collagen production and smoother texture. Non-ablative lasers target deeper layers, stimulating collagen without significant downtime.
  • Chemical peels: These treatments remove the outer layers of skin, encouraging new cell growth and a smoother appearance.

Atrophic Scars

These are indented scars that occur when there's a loss of underlying tissue. Common causes include chickenpox, accidents, and severe acne. Treatments for atrophic scars may include:

  • Dermal fillers: As with acne scars, fillers can elevate depressed scar areas, creating a smoother skin surface.
  • Punch excision with grafting: For deeper atrophic scars, Dr. Karhade may remove a small, circular area of healthy skin and use it to graft over the indented scar, filling it up.
  • Radiofrequency ablation: This minimally invasive technique uses radio waves to stimulate collagen production and improve the appearance of atrophic scars.

Scar Revision

Scar revision encompasses various techniques to improve the appearance and texture of existing scars. Treatments can involve:

  • Dermaplaning: A gentle exfoliation technique that removes the top layer of skin, potentially minimizing the visibility of superficial scars.
  • Steroid injections: Injected corticosteroids can help flatten raised scars and reduce inflammation.
  • Z-plasty: A surgical technique that redistributes scar tissue, making it less noticeable.

Post-Surgical Scars

While surgical procedures are vital for many medical reasons, they can leave behind unwanted scars. Dr. Karhade can help minimize the appearance of post-surgical scars through various techniques, depending on the scar's characteristics, location, and individual needs. Here are some additional considerations for post-surgical scars:

  • Early intervention: Addressing post-surgical scars early in the healing process can often lead to better results. We recommend scheduling a consultation with Dr. Karhade to discuss scar minimization strategies as soon as possible after surgery.
  • Combination therapies: In some cases, combining multiple scar revision techniques may be necessary to achieve optimal outcomes. Dr. Karhade will work with you to develop a personalized treatment plan that addresses your specific concerns.

Why Choose a Dermatologist for Scar Treatment?

While there may be information available online about scar minimization techniques, there are several compelling reasons to seek professional treatment from a board-certified dermatologist like Dr. Karhade:

  • Expert Diagnosis and Treatment Plan

    Scars come in various forms, and a dermatologist possesses the training and experience to accurately diagnose the type of scar you have. This allows Dr. Karhade to create a targeted treatment plan that addresses the specific needs of your scar, maximizing the effectiveness of the treatment.

  • Advanced Techniques and Technology

    Dermatologists have access to cutting-edge scar revision techniques and technologies that may not be readily available for at-home use. These advancements, such as specific lasers or radiofrequency ablation tools, can deliver more precise and effective results.

  • Safety and Reduced Risk

    Improper scar treatment at home can lead to further complications, worsening the appearance of the scar or causing infection. A dermatologist has the expertise and knowledge to perform scar revision procedures safely and effectively, minimizing potential risks.

  • Holistic Approach

    Scars can sometimes cause emotional distress. Dr. Karhade and her team understand this and provide compassionate care, addressing not just the physical scar but also the emotional impact it may have. We'll support you throughout your treatment journey, ensuring you feel comfortable and informed every step of the way.

By choosing Kaveri Karhade MD Dermatology for your scar treatment, you gain access to Dr. Karhade's expertise, advanced technology, and a commitment to achieving the best possible outcome for your unique needs.

Why Choose Kaveri Karhade MD Dermatology?

At Kaveri Karhade MD Dermatology, we are committed to providing patients with the most effective and comprehensive scar treatment options available. Here's what sets us apart:

  • Board-Certified Expertise

    Dr. Karhade is a board-certified dermatologist with extensive experience in scar treatment. She stays up-to-date on the latest advancements in scar revision techniques to ensure you receive the most effective care.

  • Individualized Approach

    We understand that every scar is unique, and we tailor our treatment plans to your specific needs and goals. Dr. Karhade will take the time to understand your concerns, assess your scars, and discuss all available treatment options with you.

  • Advanced Technology

    We utilize the latest scar treatment technologies, including various lasers, microneedling devices, and radiofrequency ablation tools, to achieve the best possible results.

  • Compassionate Care

    Dr. Karhade and her team understand the emotional impact of scars and are committed to providing compassionate, patient-centered care. We will listen to your concerns, answer your questions, and support you throughout your scar treatment journey.

Ready to Take Control of Your Scars?

Ready to discuss your scar treatment options with a board-certified dermatologist? Contact Kaveri Karhade MD Dermatology in San Francisco or South Bay, CA, today. Our friendly staff will be happy to answer your questions and schedule a consultation. Call us at (650) 482-7546 or (415) 923-3377. We look forward to helping you achieve smoother, more confident-looking skin!

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