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Cosmetic Dermatology

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Cosmetic Dermatology with Dr. Kaveri Karhade, MD

Welcome to Kaveri Karhade MD Dermatology, providing a unique and comprehensive service to our patients in South Bay and San Francisco, California. We offer several cosmetic dermatology services to help you look and feel your absolute best. If you’re ready to feel rejuvenated, refreshed, and radiant, you’ve come to the right place. Our services include Botox injections, fillers, Platelet-rich plasma (PRP), Brow and Eyelash treatments, Vascular Laser Treatment, Thread lifts, and Skin Tightening. 

At Kaveri Karhade MD Dermatology, our goal is to make sure that everyone looks their best and feels their best. We work to create a customized experience for each and every patient, that is comfortable and with excellent results. Our commitment to providing exemplary service and care is the foundation of our practice. Let’s take a deeper look at our cosmetic dermatology services, so you can decide the best course of action for you.

Botox Injections

If you’re looking for a quick and easy way to reduce the signs of aging, then Botox injections may be just right for you. Botox is a safe and effective treatment for reducing wrinkles in the forehead, around the eyes, and even around the mouth. The results of Botox can last anywhere from 3-6 months, so you will look younger and more refreshed for a long time. 

At Kaveri Karhade MD Dermatology, we only use the highest quality Botox treatments. This ensures that our patients get the best results possible. The entire Botox injection process is comfortable and safe. Dr. Kaveri has years of experience administering Botox and is highly qualified to provide it with excellent results.


If you’re looking for a more permanent solution to wrinkles and other signs of aging, then fillers are the way to go. Fillers are injections used to fill in wrinkles and provide a more youthful appearance. They can also be used to plump lips and cheeks. The fillers we use at Kaveri Karhade MD Dermatology are safe, non-invasive, and provide results that can last up to a year.

Dr. Kaveri has extensive experience administering fillers and can provide natural-looking results. We customize each treatment to ensure that you get the best possible outcome. We want you to look and feel your absolute best.

Platelet-rich Plasma

Platelet-rich plasma, or PRP, is a revolutionary cutting-edge treatment that uses the power of your own healing platelets to stimulate collagen production. It’s a great way to reduce the signs of aging and even improve the appearance of scars. 

At Kaveri Karhade MD Dermatology, we use the most advanced PRP treatments available. We first obtain a small sample of your own blood, which is then spun down to isolate the platelets. This concentrate is then carefully injected back into the skin, which stimulates collagen production and rejuvenates the skin.

Brow and Eyelash Treatments

At Kaveri Karhade MD Dermatology, we offer a variety of services that can help you achieve the perfect brows and lashes. Our treatments include:

  • Microblading: Microblading is a semi-permanent makeup procedure that involves using tiny needles to deposit pigment into the skin. This helps you create natural-looking eyebrows that can last for up to a year. 
  • Lash Extensions: Lash extensions are an easy and effective way to instantly add length and fullness to your lashes. The process is comfortable and results can last up to several months. 
  • Lash Lift and Tint: If you’re looking for a more permanent solution, a lash lift and tint can give you luscious lashes that will last for up to 8 weeks.

Vascular Laser Treatment

If you suffer from broken capillaries, redness, or other vascular skin conditions, then vascular laser treatment may be right for you. The process is quick and painless and can help reduce the appearance of these conditions. 

The laser treatment works by targeting the pigment of the veins, which causes them to break down and be reabsorbed by the body. This is a non-invasive, safe, and fast way to reduce the appearance of unwanted veins. The best part is that results are visible after just one treatment!

Thread Lifts

Thread lifts are a great way to reduce the signs of aging and give your skin an instant lift. This procedure is ideal for those who are looking for a non-invasive, yet effective way to give their skin a more youthful appearance. Thread lifts can help tighten the skin of the face, neck, or any other area. 

At Kaveri Karhade MD Dermatology, we recognize the importance of this revolutionary procedure. Thread lifts aim to provide a noticeable lift in the skin without the need for surgery. Using the thread lift technique, we strive to tighten your skin, restoring a more youthful, robust look, not to mention reigniting your confidence level.

Skin Tightening

If you’re looking for a way to reduce wrinkles and improve skin tone, then skin tightening treatments may be the way to go. Skin tightening is a great way to reduce the signs of aging and give your skin a more youthful appearance. We use only the most advanced technology and techniques when it comes to skin tightening procedures.

At Kaveri Karhade MD Dermatology, we are dedicated to making sure that each and every patient gets the best possible results. We customize each treatment to ensure that we provide the most personalized experience possible.

Choose Kaveri Karhade MD Dermatology for Your Cosmetic Dermatology Needs

Whether you’re looking for a way to address wrinkles, spider veins, or skin laxity, or you want to enhance your brows and eyelashes, Kaveri Karhade MD Dermatology has you covered. Our team is dedicated to providing you with the best care possible, using the latest advancements in aesthetic treatments.

At Kaveri Karhade MD Dermatology, we strive to help all of our patients look and feel their absolute best. Our commitment to providing excellent service and care is unparalleled. If you’re ready to get started on your journey to a more youthful and revitalized appearance, then don’t wait any longer. 

Book a consultation with Dr. Kaveri Karhade today and start your journey to a younger, more refreshed you. Contact us today for more information or click this link to book a consultation.

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